Preparing you for grants management success.
Federal Grants Training sponsors in-person and online education for grants management professionals across the country. Our local, regional, and national conferences provide timely training for all types of recipients and subrecipients. Meanwhile, our webinars allow members of the grant-funded community to stay up-to-date on grants requirements from the comfort of their offices.
Master Grant Rules
Understand the detailed rules that govern use of grant funds, from the Uniform Grants Guidance (the OMB Super Circular) to individual program requirements.
For All Organizations
Our training is designed for all types of grant-funded entities: nonprofits, colleges and universities, hospitals, tribal organizations, and units of government.
In-Person Training
Stay current with grants management developments, learn the basics, or explore advanced topics, all while networking with other grants management professionals.
Online Learning
Conveniently learn how to meet current grants requirements and avoid common compliance problems by participating in our regular series of webinars.
Learn more about our upcoming training events.